The Future

Sector Commitment
We anticipate that representatives from regulatory agencies will participate. However, we will identify the appropriate contacts as part of our communication plan to ensure that the sector commits to the RTNZ charter. As a result, we expect the policy change development process to go more smoothly during the implementation phase. The Greater London Authority, which is already part of the working group, has also agreed to increase its involvement in the project due to its alignment with the London Mayor's Net Zero by 2030 target.

Furthermore, once the entire project is finished, HAUC(UK) will create an Environmental and Carbon Governance group in a similar fashion to the other hosted groups like SROH and Inspections. They will keep track of and maintain the initiative through their normal procedures. The results of the RTNZ project will be integrated into any support and enhancement of the HAUC(UK) website and app and will be managed by partners at GeoPlace.

Vision for change
In 2020, HAUC(UK) established a five-year plan to enhance collaboration between Highway Authorities and Utility Companies, focusing on five key themes: digitalisation, innovation, skills and workforce, collaboration, and environment and decarbonisation.
Their goal is:
"By 2025, the street and road works sector will take advantage of new technology to improve safety, quality, efficiency, and collaboration, while prioritising the interests of our customers and the general public. The sector will ensure that it has the right skills in place to deliver the infrastructure needed to thrive in a carbon-neutral, information age."
As a result, we expect the RTNZ initiative to be integrated into this vision over the long term and serve as a foundation for the industry's development.